The city and urban planning are the epitome of contemporary Western society; the city is a meeting point generator of subjectivity. Subjectivity is controlled by a language of codes designed by the society throughout history whose apparent aim is to make the city an understandable and practical place for its users.
Within this language of codes, those that use light were redefined cause of the brutal competition for the attraction of the citizen’s attention.
Public space becomes saturated, increasingly, with different stimuli that have arisen and arise due to development or "evolution" of society. The city is shown to us as a spectacle of image, sound and light. A confusion of messages, a spectacularized urban landscape that became the stage of reality.
The Stimulated City is a project that deals about the light stimuli that compound the urban landscape of the city, in relation with the society’s strategies for identity generation. Starting on the reconstruction of the scene that these two elements create, through a play of changed meanings by developing some interventions in the public space.
In one way the project wants to analyze the reality of the lighting language in the traffic sings code by questioning their use and meaning. While in other way questions the other lighting codes and its ways of working, to arise social and political questions about the current operating systems.